
Download the latest version of our Frontend Build from our Discord (opens in a new tab).


Extract the downloaded web folder.

Transfer icons

Copy all Icons from your old inventory resource to the new web folder.

Delete old folder

Delete the web folder inside your current inventory resource.

Insert new folder

Move the extracted web folder into your inventory resource.

Configure localization

Add the following lines to your locales.lua in the inventory resource:

Locales = {
  ['en'] = {
    -- ...
    ["subtitle"] = "Here you can see and manage all of the items you currently have in your Inventory.",
    ["storageSubtitle"] = "Here you can manage the Items in your storage",
    ["trunkSubtitle"] = "Here you can manage the Items in your car",
    ["shopSubtitle"] = "Here you can buy and sell items",
    ["dropSubtitle"] = "Here you can manage the Items on the ground",
    ["weightLabel"] = "Weight",
  -- ...

Check fxmanifest

Check your fxmanifest.lua under files, web/dist/**/* should be included, if not, add it.

files {