Unsere Configs

Below you will find our Shared and Server Config for your Advanced Notification.

Shared Config

Config = {
  Debug = false, -- Enable/Disable Debug Messages, only enable if you know what you are doing
  MinimumDuration = 5000, -- Minimum Duration of Notifications & Announcements
  MsPerCharacter = 100, -- Milliseconds which will be added to the Minimum Duration for each Character
  Sound = {
    Enabled = false, -- will use .mp3 as Notify Sound instead of GTA V's default sound
    Notify = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/872120696132743238/955214740647465020/sound.mp3",
    Announce = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/872120696132743238/955214740647465020/sound.mp3"
  Commands = {
    ID = {
      Enabled = true,
      Commands = {'id'},
      Title = 'ID',
      Text = 'Your Server-ID is %s'
    OOC = {
      Enabled = true,
      Commands = {'ooc'},
      Area = 10.0, -- Distance for Players to see the message
      Title = 'OOC - %s', -- Title of the OOC Message, %s will be replaced with the Name of the Player
      Cooldown = 10000, -- Cooldown in Milliseconds (how long someone has to wait to use /ooc again)
      CooldownMessage = 'You have to wait another %s seconds, till you can use /ooc again.',
      ErrorMessage = 'No players found'
    NearbyIDs = {
      Enabled = true,
      Commands = {'ids'},
      Area = 10.0, -- Distance for Players to be included
      Title = 'IDs', 
      Text = 'Nearby Player-IDs: %s', -- %s will be replaced with the IDs of the Players
      ErrorMessage = 'No players found'

Server Config

Config.Server = {
  Commands = {
    Announce = {
      Enabled = true, -- Toggle if the Announce Command should be enabled or not
      Commands = {'announce', 'an'}, -- Name of Commands, you can add more than one
      Title = 'Announcement from %s', -- Title of the Announcement, %s will be replaced with the Name of the Player
      Groups = { -- Groups that have Access to the Commands
    Teamchat = {
      Enabled = true, -- Toggle if the Teamchat Command should be enabled or not
      Commands = {'tc', 'teamchat'}, -- Name of Commands, you can add more than one
      Title = 'Teamchat - %s', -- Title of the Teamchat Message, %s will be replaced with the Name of the Player
      Groups = { -- Groups that can read and send messages in the Teamchat
      Webhook = {
        Enabled = false, -- Toggle if the Webhook for all Teamchat Messages should be enabled or not
        Description = '%s has sent a message in the Teamchat!',
        URL = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...', -- Webhook URL
        Icon = '', -- Image URL (your Logo for example)
        Name = '9M - Notify',
        Footer = '9M - Studios',
        Color = 16711935